Today: April 27, 2024 11:40 am

Following Restriction on Instagram

Instagram is a world! A big world has everything from making money to funny videos, but this world also has its limitations! For example, the number of followers and even likes on Instagram is limited! So we must be careful! Because of that, we decided to write an article and talk about the limitations. In this article, we will talk about the following issues:

  • Follow on Instagram
  • Limit on Instagram liking
  • Hashtag restrictions on Instagram
  • Limit the number of characters of comments and captions on Instagram
  • Limit the number of posts on Instagram

So let’s start without wasting time and see what the limitations on Instagram are.

Following restriction on Instagram

The number of people you can follow on Instagram is limited, and from time to time, Instagram will stop doing that. The reason Instagram does this is to prevent spam. Now, what do you think about the maximum number of people you can follow on Instagram? Can you guess?

If you follow more, Instagram will send you a message, and if you continue to follow, you may be blocked by Instagram! If you are one of the most active Instagram users, it is better to remember this; you should check the list of people or pages you follow again.


There will be several pages that are not active or not important. You can easily unfollow these pages to make room for more attractive and useful pages. Also, Instagram has another limit in the base of counted on an hourly or daily.

Let me make it easier for you: According to the new Instagram update, you cannot follow more than 60 people or pages in one hour! Of course, there are no restrictions on the people who follow you (or are your followers), and no matter how many followers you have on Instagram, you will not face any restrictions.

Likes limitation on Instagram

 Likes limitation on Instagram

Instagram has also had hourly limits on the number of likes for users. Do you want to know the maximum number of likes per hour? Let me tell you: 200! You cannot like the post more than 200 times in an hour, and if you do, Instagram will block you.

It is difficult for a person to reach this number unless one user account is used by several people or use a tool like a Bot that automatically likes the posts of others. In any case, be aware and try to control it!

Hashtag# Limit on Instagram

Hashtag# Limit on Instagram

#Hashtag has restrictions on Instagram! Honestly, it is not bad because maybe you saw that someone uses more than their need and unrelated hashtags! You can only use 30 # hashtags for each Instagram post you publish!

Limit the number of characters in comments or captions on Instagram

Instagram has set limits on the number of characters you can use for different sections where you use words or emojis. For example, if you consider the phrase “born in April”, it has 13 characters: 12 letters and space. Yes! Word, space, dash, hashtag, emoji, and everything else you enter with the keyboard are counted as one character, and these characters have a limit.

  • The number of characters in your account name could not exceed 30 characters.
  • The number of your Bio characters cannot be more than 150 characters.

Now, what about the comments and captions? Do these have a limit? Or can we write as much as we want? As you may have guessed, these also have limitations. Instagram did not impose this restriction from the beginning. Still, later, when many posts were published with very long captions and comments, Instagram also imposed a limit of 2200 words in its new version: that means you only have 2200 characters of space in writing your captions or comments and more. You cannot write.

Limit the number of posts on Instagram

Limit the number of posts on Instagram

Limit the number of posts on Instagram Are there any restrictions on posting on Instagram? If so, does this limit count hourly, daily, or in total? If you have a question: the answer is no. There is no limitation on the number of posts on Instagram, and you can post as many as you want!

Is there anything we do not know?

Is there anything we do not know?

The content of this article is based on recent Instagram updates. There may be a new restriction during this period, or one of these restrictions has been reduced! If you find such an issue, be sure to let us know to update our information and include it in the article!


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